1. Please email if this is something you need with the days and time. The charge is as follows, for one child it is $12.50 per hour, for two children it is $22.00 an hour. The hours are from 8-4:30.
  2. You will need to send in 2 fruits and lunch this week. Please remember all food that comes into Big Chief needs to be peanut and tree nut free.

Any questions please call the office.


If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday, we can only accept these items.
Either mini bagels or fruit for the am class, mini cupcakes for the pm class, from a nut free bakery or store. BJ’s also offers nut free items as well as Stop and Shop.  We can no longer accept homemade birthday treats.


Valentine hearts art, Heart art, Heart pictures Valentine hearts art, Heart art, Heart pictures  


 It is impossible for the teachers to give out all the personalized Valentine’s Day Cards that come in.  So please just have your child sign the bottom of each card, and he or she will pass them out to whoever they would like to. 

Do not personalize the cards. 



Parents, please remember we are a nut free school. No peanut butter, nut or tree nut food or snacks are allowed. If you send in a sun butter sandwich, please be sure to label it on the zip lock bag.

Pizza Friday’s this month- 2nd, 9th and 16th remember to send in your $9.00


  1. It may take you a little longer to get here, so please adjust your time. Remember we close at 4:00pm.
  2. Snow boots are welcomed. Please remember to label them.


CHECK FOR SNOW CLOSING:  if it is snowing when you wake up in the morning and you don’t know if Big Chief is open or not, you may listen to the school closings on News12 or go to (Click on closings and delays). You may also go to our Facebook page and you will also receive a group text.  


The  station to listen to for snow closing  below., Or visit our

Facebook page, and you will receive a text message.


Did you get your school 2024 early bird in?

Just fill out the registration form, circle your session and send it in with your $200.00 deposit with February tuition.






Theme:  Winter, Valentine’s Day and continue with our nursery rhymes.

Language Arts: Creating our own winter book. “Hickory Dickory Dock. Reading stories relating to winter such as, “Snowman at night, and “The jacket I wear in the snow.

Art: Finger painting pink or red hearts.

Physical/Music and Movement:  Marching with our instruments, dancing with our parachute, and singing our nursery rhymes.

Science:   Go for a nature walk and visit our forest.   

Social Skills:  Practice throwing out our paper towels after hand washing. Using our words to express our needs and wants.



Theme:  Continuing with Winter, Valentine’s Day, and nursery rhymes.

Language Arts:   Reading stories such as “Spots snowy Day” and “Clifford’s Valentine.”  Continuing nursery rhymes, I’m a little tea pot, Hickory Dickory Dock and Jack be Nimble.

Social and Independent Skills:   Showing love and being gentle with one another as we learn to take turns when we play.  Learning how to line up one behind the other. Continuing to practice putting on and taking off our coats and what we wear during the winter season. Continue practicing with our mittens. Wiping our noses and washing our hands.

Science:  Going outside for nature walks and taking notice to the changes that are happening. Talking about what is hot and cold.  Visiting the animals and our forest. Continue working on our large motor skills by running in the field with scarves.

Math:  Introducing a new shape, the heart, and making a collage with the big and little hearts. Matching game with big and little objects.

Art:  Easel and finger-painting with the colors red and white and discovering the color pink. Making a candlestick and Hickory Dickory Dock.

Music:   Marching with instruments.  Listening and following directions to the Bear Hunt, dancing with scarves and going through our tunnels.  

Physical:  Learning how to lace. Throwing, rolling, and catching balls, parachute play introducing the motion high and low, taking walks in the Snow (weather permitting). Jumping games and pretending to be Jack jumping over the candlestick. Continue playing with playdough to work on our fine motor skills.

Cooking:  Making hot chocolate.


Theme:  Continuing our winter themes, Valentine’s Day, and nursery rhymes.

Language Arts:   Reading stories for Valentines Day about love and kindness. Starting our wheels on the bus nursery rhyme. Parents if you can please send in a picture of mom, shhh, shhh with your finger on your mouth and dad- saying I love you.

Social and Independent Skills: Practice drinking from an open cup. Continue to line up at the bathroom to wash our hands. Continuing our independent skills: putting on our coats, hats, and mittens on by themselves. Encouraging putting their shoes on by themselves.

Science: Nature walks to the forest to feed the birds. Discussing hot and cold things.

Art:  Mixing red and white to make pink. Valentines’ day collage. Starting wheels on the bus story book.

Music: Lots of running and movement. Playing with bean bags, parachutes and marching with our instruments.   


Theme:  Our families, working on our stories for February. Continue “Three Billy Goats Gruff” “The three little pigs,” and Valentines’ Day.

Language Arts:   Reading stories relating to winter, “The Snowy Day’, “Maisy’s Snowy Day”, “Clifford’s First Snowy Day,” “Hugs and Hearts” and “Emily’s Valentine Party.” Acting out the three little pigs and three Billy goats gruff.  

Science:  Mixing red and white at the easel. Feeding the birds outside, especially in our “Forest,” and shaving cream fun.

Physical:  Indoor and Outdoor activities and playing in the snow (weather permitting).

Art: Finger painting, sponge painting, working on our winter bulletin board, introducing scissors, collaging a Valentine heart.  

Math:  Playing a matching game and continue counting the children.

Music:  Marching with instruments, more bean bag games, parachute activities, and “I’m a little snowman short and fat.”

Social Studies:  Continue talking about winter; discussing our families.

Self Help Skills: Reinforcing manners and hand washing.  Practice putting on our winter clothing in the housekeeping area, mittens, hats and coats.   

CookingHot Chocolate and Valentine Day sugar cookies.


Theme: Continuing winter weather, continuing our self-help skills like putting on our own mittens and hat. Starting Goldilocks and the Three Bears, then work on “The Mitten” by Alvin Tresseit. Size seriation/order, small, medium, and large. Starting community helpers.

Art: Making our own book of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Decorating a heart for Valentine’s Day, creative paintings with red and white colors to make pink, making a pine cone birdfeeder, waiting for snow to create snowmen. Using shaving cream.

Cooking/Nutrition: Making heart cookies, oatmeal, and quiche

Language Arts:  Reading the following stories: “Frozen Noses,” “The Snowy Day,” “Ten Shiny Snowflakes,” Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “The Mitten.”

Block Area:  Creating and building various shapes using our blocks, sorting blocks from small, medium, and large.

Dramatic Play:  Practicing our self-help skills to dress for the winter weather. Putting on our hats and mittens.  

Math: Mitten matching, hanging and counting mittens on a clothes line. Mix and match Valentine’s day hearts and continuing our sorting by size and color.

Science:  When it snows, we will bring in snow and watch it change from frozen snow to water. Nature walks through our forest and feeding the birds.

Physical: Catching snowflakes on our tongues on a snowy day. Following directions on our movement CD’s and taking nature walks to note the changes to Big Chief’s outdoor environment. Using scarves, instruments, beanbags, parachutes and sitting to sing songs.

Social Studies:   Discussing the changes that take place during winter, having a discussion about winter weather, wind, cold and snow. What we need to dress for the weather, hats, boots, mittens, scarves etc. Taking a nature walk, feeding the wild birds, making a pine cone birdfeeder. Looking for tracks in the snow and feeling snow and ice.

 Fingerplays and songs:   

  • I am a little snowman
  • This Old man
  • Love is a circle round and round
  • Five Little Snowmen
  • Skidda mar inky dinky dink
  • Where is Thumbkin
  • 5 little ducks went out one day




  1. Supermarket
  2. Mail carrier

Land:  Cars, busses and trains.

Science:  Winter, weather permitting we will bring the snow inside to see how it changes from outside to inside. What makes it change from solid to liquid? Observe the day to day weather. Feed the birds and take care of our class pet and make bird feeders.  

Parent/Child Time:  Please have your child mail a note to their class, 2427 N. Jerusalem Rd, East Meadow NY  11554.  Write it together/go to the post office buy a stamp/put it in mailbox.  The class will go to Ms. Luanne’s office every day to look for the letter.  They will bring it back to class, read it and hang it up.

Family Living Center:   We will be turning the house area into a supermarket and post office; we will write letters to Mr. Andrey’s class and deliver them.  We will have our mailbox outside our door for them to send us mail.

Blocks Area:  Our community is growing, Home, Big Chief, Dentist’s office, Police Station, Fire Station, and the Post Office.  We are adding roads, signs, and traffic light to the block area.

Art:  Working on transportation, making cars, buses and trains. Making Valentine’s day hearts to send home and snowflakes for our tree using stamps and paint.


We are working on Community Helpers at Big Chief.  The second week of February we will be working on Postal workers. Please have your child collect the mail and if possible, send in a photo of your child near your mailbox.  The pictures will be hung up in our class.

Thank you,

Ms. Patti

The last week in February we will be starting transportation. We will be discussing and learning about trains. Over the February break If you could take your child on a train ride that would be great! Discuss and show them how you have to:

  1. Drive to the train station in your car.
  2. Buy a train ticket at the ticket machine/booth
  3. Go up the escalator/stairs to get on the train
  4. How to stay safe on the platform
  5. Decide if you want to sit facing forward or backwards
  6. Take a short ride
  7. This is a wonderful beginning for them to learn about trains
  8. Take a picture of this experience and send it in to hang in class. The children love to tell stories of their experiences.

We would greatly appreciate this.

Ms. Patti


Theme:  Winter, Valentines, Continuing Community Helpers:

  1. Supermarket
  2. Mail carrier
  3. Doctor

Starting the last week in February will be transportation-Land will be first.

Land:  Cars, busses, and trains.

Science:  Winter, weather permitting we will bring the snow inside to see how it changes from outside to inside. What makes it change from solid to liquid? Observe the day-to-day weather. Feed the birds and take care of our class pet and make bird feeders. 

Parent/Child Time:  Please have your child mail a note to their class, 2427 N. Jerusalem Rd, East Meadow NY  11554.  Write it together/go to the post office buy a stamp/put it in mailbox.  The class will go to Ms. Luanne’s office every day to look for the letter.  They will bring it back to class, read it and hang it up.

Family Living Center:   We will be turning the house area into a supermarket and post office; we will write letters to Miss Patti’s class and deliver them.  We will have our mailbox outside our door for them to send us mail.

Blocks Area:  Our community is growing, Home, Big Chief, Dentist’s office, Police Station, Fire Station, and the Post Office.  We are adding roads, signs, and traffic light to the block area.

Art:  Working on transportation, making cars, buses, and trains. Making Valentine’s Day hearts to send home and snowflakes for our tree using stamps and paint.


     We are working on Community Helpers at Big Chief.  The second week of February we will be working on Postal workers. Please have your child collect the mail and if possible, send in a photo of your child near your mailbox.  The pictures will be hung up in our class.

Thank you,

Mr. Andrey

The last week in February we will be starting transportation this month. We will be discussing and learning about trains. Over the February break If you could take your child on a train ride that would be great! Discuss and show them how you have to:

  • Drive to the train station in your car.
  • Buy a train ticket at the ticket machine/booth
  • Go up the escalator/stairs to get on the train
  • How to stay safe on the platform
  • Decide if you want to sit facing forward or backwards
  • Take a short ride
  • This is a wonderful beginning for them to learn about trains
  • Take a picture of this experience and send it in to hang in class. The children love to tell stories of their experiences.

We would greatly appreciate this.

Mr. Andrey



Theme: Continue Migration, Winter, and Hibernation.  (Great topic a lot of fun) We are setting up the room with trees, oceans, icebergs and signs for N,S,E,W

  • 1st  Geese, they fly south where the weather is warm in a V shape.  Why?  Have a discussion with your child and maybe look it up on the computer.
  • 2nd  Did you know that Butterflies migrate.  Yes, they do.
  • 3rd  Whales migrate from Alaska to Hawaii
  • 4th  Bears  hibernate, Snakes hibernate and Bats hibernate.
  • 5th  Penguins migrate watch the movie “Happy Feet”

Winter – Our Christmas tree forest is a success!!!  Birds are in and out of them all day long.  The children are feeding them and changing the water.  (liquid to solid) birds cannot drink ice.  They need us to put out fresh water every day.

How is migration and hibernation the same/different?

Language Arts:  We are reading a lot of non-fiction books on hibernation/migration.  “I Love You Forever”, “The Mitten”, ‘First Snow” , “Arthur’s Valentine”, “Winter Barn”, “The bear snores on”, and “Time to sleep”. The kids will pick out a book for hibernation- draw a picture and dictation will be taken. Hibernation play.

We will be beginning our character book series with Curious George.

Vocabulary Words: Hibernation, migration, torpor, flock, goose, geese, pods, calf, decay, icebergs liquid and solids.

Science:  Our experiments start this month, liquid to solid, Ice Painting, Ice Fishing. Hibernation is a needed adaptation. Not enough food so animals have to sleep. Torpor-Sleep for a while, wake up and eat, then go back to sleep. Migration, geese, whales, butterflies. A group of animals move from one place to another and then back again. Seasonal migration for warmer temperatures and food animals know to migrate because of the change in weather, length of the day, availability of food. Animals use the sun and start to find their way, also wind patterns. 

Math:  Number at the concept level, then our math series will be done. We now start all over again to make sure they really understand the concepts of 3 step patterning, sorting, and classifying, one to one.

Cooking:  Oatmeal and pancakes.

Music: We enjoy music and movement every day.

Art:  Activities relating to winter, hibernation and migration. Painting a bat cave, bear cave. We will also be making geese, butterflies, bears, snakes, and bats. Blocks/House Area:  Make tunnels for snakes and caves for bears and our Hibernation play.